Vocal Training & Coaching

Allergy Meds and the Singer
12 / 05
Allergy Meds and the Singer
By: Lora, Categories: Uncategorized, Comments Off on Allergy Meds and the Singer

It’s spring and that means allergy season.  A common dilemma for many singers is having to perform with allergy symptoms in full bloom!  A runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and scratchy throat can sabotage a vocal performance.

While there are many allergy symptom meds available over the counter, I have found that most oral meds that relieve severe symptoms have some undesirable effects;  they dry out the mouth, throat tissues and vocal folds and many make you drowsy.  Bad news when you have to perform!

MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I have found Flonase Nasal Allergy Spray to be highly effective in controlling sneezing, runny nose, watery itchy eyes, scratchy throat and the plus (for me) has been that it does not dry out my voice, mouth or throat and does not make me drowsy……I was recently able to perform symptom free a rigorous 10 nights in a row in addition to my regular vocal commitments and rehearsals PLUS teach students.

I recommended Flonase to several vocalists I worked with this spring.  Some tried it and experienced relief and were able to perform symptom free.

I want to make it clear that I am not saying that Flonase is the only med that works nor do I guarantee what works for me will work for you .  Everyone’s body and voice responds differently to different meds.  I am simply sharing what has been effective for me and some of the vocalists that I have worked with.

THERE IS NO SUBSTITUE for a healthy diet & lifestyle, adequate water and sleep: all are extremely important to vocal and overall health and well-being.

And remember that the tried and true hot teas with honey and a touch of lemon are always soothing on irritated throat tissues.  Zinc throat lozenges work well too.

Always warm up prior to vocal performance and cool down following.  Adequate vocal rest is also necessary.  DO NOT force it!  Remember to listen to your voice.  If you are struggling, hoarse, raspy, coughing, fatigued then STOP!  Rest your voice. For severe allergies and symptoms that over the counter meds don’t seem to help, you may need to consult your physician.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to add some therapeutic exercises to your daily vocal routine.  I would love to hear from you.

Hope this helps!  In the meantime, keep singing!!!
