Vocal Training & Coaching

New Year – New Resolution: Determination!
15 / 01
New Year – New Resolution: Determination!
By: Lora, Categories: Uncategorized, Comments Off on New Year – New Resolution: Determination!

It’s already January and time for those New Year’s Resolution; among the most popular is to “get in shape” and lose those extra pounds gained during the Holidays, firm up those muscles, quit smoking, get control of your finances, etc.  All very good and healthy decisions to make.

NOW is the time to DETERMINE to develop your skills as a vocalist.  Get your voice into shape as well by committing to consistent practice. Think of yourself as a vocal athlete! If you were training as a gymnast, you wouldn’t just decide a few weeks before competition to start training and hope for the best….NO….you would have invested TIME disciplining your body, developing your style and technique and rehearsing your performance.  Your skill and technique becomes a part of you by forming the good HABIT of consistency and repetition.

Do you want to sing better than you do today?

Here’s good news;  You don’t have to spend hours a day to develop your voice and you can throw the saying “no pain no gain” OUT the window.  You should NEVER feel pain when you exercise your voice or sing. 

WRITE down your goals and post it on your bathroom mirror, the fridge door, your day planner, the dashboard of your car and SAY your goals out loud to yourself.  THEN JUST DO IT!   Find a consistent time every day or every other day to warm up and workout your voice and rehearse songs.  Schedule it in on your calendar just like you would any other important appointment.  Then, no excuses; keep your appointment with yourself.  Pretty soon, your vocal workout time is a normal part of your routine just like taking a shower and brushing your teeth.

TODAY is the day to start fresh and make the commitment to  yourself!  You can do it!

Keep Singing,
